When is your TV show airing?
As wedding season comes to a close, I've been getting a ton of questions about my upcoming show on the WE Network, called "The Wedding [...]
As wedding season comes to a close, I've been getting a ton of questions about my upcoming show on the WE Network, called "The Wedding [...]
One of my most awesome assistants and very, very good friend Nicole, had a little boy last week! Baby Marcus is healthy, and handsome and [...]
Last summer, I coordinated Traci and KC's wedding at the Prado, which is featured in this month's Modern Bride magazine. It was certainly one of [...]
Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to go to an industry mixer that was a ton of fun! I love getting together with wedding [...]
It's a very rare wedding day where I'm the first person to go home! Why is that, you ask?I was Ila and DJ's florist for [...]
Stephanie and Dennis married last month at the Hyatt Aventine in La Jolla. The wedding was stupendous, mostly due to the fabulous attention to detail [...]
Jenn and Corey were married this past month at SeaGrove Park and Azul. We started with a great ceremony by Rev. Powers and continued on [...]
An article came out today in the La Jolla Light about my upcoming television show on WE:http://www.lajollalight.com/life/248030-la-jolla-wedding-planner-to-be-featured-on-we-networkAn extra special thank you to Maria, the wonderful [...]
Mirelle and Pat were married back in June at the La Jolla Shores Hotel.They recently sent me this note:Melissa,Thank you for making our wedding run [...]
One of the most interesting aspects of wedding planning to me is the back story.....how people came to their decisions, what excited them during the [...]